This schema exemplifies the structure of a typical statement in CS-KG.
The examplary statement refers to the triple <cskg:human_face_detection, skos:broader, cskg:computer_vision> extracted from 2 papers. The triple is reified using the properties rdf:subject, rdf:predicate, and rdf:object.
The statement has type cskg-ont:Statement and provo:Entity (the PROV Ontology is used to track the provenance of a claim).
The number of articles from where the triple was generated is expressed by the datatype property cskg-ont:hasSupport.
The provenance is provided by linking the statement to the modules of the pipeline that generated the triple (object property provo:wasGeneratedBy)
and the papers where it was extracted from (object property provo:wasDerivedFrom).
This simple structure can be used the query the CS-KG via the SPARQL endpoint. For instance, the following query retrieves all the statement about the research entity "sentiment analysis" (ordered by number of associated papers).
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX cskg: <> # CS-KG resources
PREFIX cskg-ont: <> # CS-KG ontology
SELECT (cskg:sentiment_analysis as ?sub) ?prop ?obj ?sup FROM <>
?t rdf:subject cskg:sentiment_analysis ;
rdf:predicate ?prop ;
rdf:object ?obj ;
cskg-ont:hasSupport ?sup .
ORDER BY desc (?sup)
The "help" section in the SPARQL endpoint offers a set of examplary queries as a starting point.
For information and questions please contact:
Danilo Dessì – danilo [dot] dessi [at] unica [dot] it
Francesco Osborne – francesco [dot] osborne [at] open [dot] ac [dot] uk