@prefix aikg: .
@prefix aikg-ont: .
@prefix cso: .
@prefix owl: .
@prefix provo: .
@prefix rdf: .
@prefix rdfs: .
@prefix xml: .
@prefix xsd: .
aikg-ont:CSOTopic a owl:Class ;
rdfs:comment "A Topic of the Computer Science Ontology" .
aikg-ont:MagPaper a owl:Class ;
rdfs:comment "A paper indexed in the Microsoft Academic Graph dataset" .
aikg-ont:Wikidata a owl:Class ;
rdfs:comment "An entry of Wikidata" .
aikg-ont:hasSupport a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
rdfs:comment "This property indicates the number of papers from where the predicate between subject and object comes from." ;
rdfs:domain aikg-ont:Statement ;
rdfs:range rdfs:Literal .
aikg-ont:isInferredByTransitivity a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
rdfs:comment "This property indicates if the statement was inferred by transitivity. If 'false' it means that it was derived directly from the papers. If 'true' it means that it was inferred when computing the transitive closure of AI-KG." ;
rdfs:domain aikg-ont:Statement ;
rdfs:range rdfs:Literal .
aikg-ont:isInverse a owl:DatatypeProperty ;
rdfs:comment "This property indicates if the statement was derived by inferring the inverse relation of a relation originally extracted from the corpus of paper." ;
rdfs:domain aikg-ont:Statement ;
rdfs:range rdfs:Literal .
aikg-ont:OtherEntityEvaluatedBy a owl:ObjectProperty,
owl:TransitiveProperty ;
rdfs:comment "This relation indicates that an instance of class OtherEntity was evaluated by an instance belonging to one of the following classes { Metric }. It is inferred from the Evaluate-for relationships extracted by the DyGIE++ classifier and the following predicates extracted by the NLP pipeline: 'evaluate'." ;
rdfs:domain aikg-ont:OtherEntity ;
rdfs:range _:N8c5d4098f1ea439392756c16bcec1081 ;
owl:inverseOf aikg-ont:evaluatesOtherEntity .
aikg-ont:OtherEntityIncludedBy a owl:ObjectProperty,
owl:TransitiveProperty ;
rdfs:comment "This relation indicates that an instance of class OtherEntity was included by an instance belonging to one of the following classes { Material, Method, OtherEntity }. It is inferred from the Feature-of and Part-of relationships extracted by the DyGIE++ classifier and the following predicates extracted by the NLP pipeline: 'include', 'represent', 'contain', 'comprise', 'comprise', 'cover', 'consider', 'incorporate'. " ;
rdfs:domain aikg-ont:OtherEntity ;
rdfs:range _:N1f9f891ce35e4e39a3eebf95e0aac2b8 ;
owl:inverseOf aikg-ont:includesOtherEntity .
aikg-ont:OtherEntityPredictedBy a owl:ObjectProperty,
owl:TransitiveProperty ;
rdfs:comment "This relation indicates that an instance of class OtherEntity was predicted by an instance belonging to one of the following classes { Method, Metric, OtherEntity, Task }. It is inferred from all the following predicates extracted by the NLP pipeline: 'predict', 'forecast', 'derive'. " ;
rdfs:domain aikg-ont:OtherEntity ;
rdfs:range _:N6368cae504eb43a69ddeed4266249678 ;
owl:inverseOf aikg-ont:predictsOtherEntity .
aikg-ont:OtherEntitySupportedBy a owl:ObjectProperty,
owl:TransitiveProperty ;
rdfs:comment "This relation indicates that an instance of class OtherEntity was supported by an instance belonging to one of the following classes { Material, Method, Task }. It is inferred from all the following predicates extracted by the NLP pipeline: 'support', 'underlie', 'enable', 'assist', 'promote', 'help', 'empower', 'facilitate', 'aid', 'foster', 'facilitate', 'allow', 'solve'. " ;
rdfs:domain aikg-ont:OtherEntity ;
rdfs:range _:N7726d2ca774844d3bd98f3fb67ef2901 ;
owl:inverseOf aikg-ont:supportsOtherEntity .
aikg-ont:OtherEntityUsedBy a owl:ObjectProperty,
owl:TransitiveProperty ;
rdfs:comment "This relation indicates that an instance of class OtherEntity was used by an instance belonging to one of the following classes { Method, Metric, OtherEntity, Task }. It is inferred from the Used-for relationships extracted by the DyGIE++ classifier and the following predicates extracted by the NLP pipeline: 'use', 'utilise', 'employ', 'utilize', 'exploit', 'integrate', 'adopt', 'leverage', 'apply', 'involve', 'rely'." ;
rdfs:domain aikg-ont:OtherEntity ;
rdfs:range _:Nd1af4677ee264f61b94cb61dddf9cd1d ;
owl:inverseOf aikg-ont:usesOtherEntity .
aikg-ont:evaluatesMaterial a owl:ObjectProperty,
owl:TransitiveProperty ;
rdfs:comment "This relation indicates that an instance belonging to one class in { Metric } evaluates an instance of Material. It is inferred from the Evaluate-for relationships extracted by the DyGIE++ classifier and the following predicates extracted by the NLP pipeline: 'evaluate'." ;
rdfs:domain _:N60f5878755944519be40a45bc6c52659 ;
rdfs:range aikg-ont:Material ;
owl:inverseOf aikg-ont:materialEvaluatedBy .
aikg-ont:evaluatesMethod a owl:ObjectProperty,
owl:TransitiveProperty ;
rdfs:comment "This relation indicates that an instance belonging to one class in { Metric } evaluates an instance of Method. It is inferred from the Evaluate-for relationships extracted by the DyGIE++ classifier and the following predicates extracted by the NLP pipeline: 'evaluate'." ;
rdfs:domain _:N22d13ea7e4204e1f98a307b3d3cafb26 ;
rdfs:range aikg-ont:Method ;
owl:inverseOf aikg-ont:methodEvaluatedBy .
aikg-ont:evaluatesMetric a owl:ObjectProperty,
owl:TransitiveProperty ;
rdfs:comment "This relation indicates that an instance belonging to one class in { Metric } evaluates an instance of Metric. It is inferred from the Evaluate-for relationships extracted by the DyGIE++ classifier and the following predicates extracted by the NLP pipeline: 'evaluate'." ;
rdfs:domain _:Ncceef75337db44fca5cd866e8102a03c ;
rdfs:range aikg-ont:Metric ;
owl:inverseOf aikg-ont:metricEvaluatedBy .
aikg-ont:evaluatesOtherEntity a owl:ObjectProperty,
owl:TransitiveProperty ;
rdfs:comment "This relation indicates that an instance belonging to one class in { Metric } evaluates an instance of OtherEntity. It is inferred from the Evaluate-for relationships extracted by the DyGIE++ classifier and the following predicates extracted by the NLP pipeline: 'evaluate'." ;
rdfs:domain _:N8c5d4098f1ea439392756c16bcec1081 ;
rdfs:range aikg-ont:OtherEntity ;
owl:inverseOf aikg-ont:OtherEntityEvaluatedBy .
aikg-ont:evaluatesTask a owl:ObjectProperty,
owl:TransitiveProperty ;
rdfs:comment "This relation indicates that an instance belonging to one class in { Metric } evaluates an instance of Task. It is inferred from the Evaluate-for relationships extracted by the DyGIE++ classifier and the following predicates extracted by the NLP pipeline: 'evaluate'." ;
rdfs:domain _:N37c331ea1cfb4f9cb3acce3ba2fa9352 ;
rdfs:range aikg-ont:Task ;
owl:inverseOf aikg-ont:taskEvaluatedBy .
aikg-ont:improvesMethod a owl:ObjectProperty,
owl:TransitiveProperty ;
rdfs:comment "This relation indicates that an instance belonging to one class in { Material, Method, OtherEntity, Task } improves an instance of Method. It is inferred from all the following predicates extracted by the NLP pipeline: 'improve', 'evolve', 'grown', 'enrich', 'expand', 'augment', 'update', 'change', 'raise', 'increase', 'enhance', 'advance', 'gain'." ;
rdfs:domain _:N414420914e3144bf9b32fafa98388d13 ;
rdfs:range aikg-ont:Method ;
owl:inverseOf aikg-ont:methodImprovedBy .
aikg-ont:improvesMetric a owl:ObjectProperty,
owl:TransitiveProperty ;
rdfs:comment "This relation indicates that an instance belonging to one class in { Method, OtherEntity, Task } improves an instance of Metric. It is inferred from all the following predicates extracted by the NLP pipeline: 'improve', 'evolve', 'grown', 'enrich', 'expand', 'augment', 'update', 'change', 'raise', 'increase', 'enhance', 'advance', 'gain'." ;
rdfs:domain _:N563ff1d949084879af5868a35860f27f ;
rdfs:range aikg-ont:Metric ;
owl:inverseOf aikg-ont:metricImprovedBy .
aikg-ont:improvesTask a owl:ObjectProperty,
owl:TransitiveProperty ;
rdfs:comment "This relation indicates that an instance belonging to one class in { Method, OtherEntity, Task } improves an instance of Task. It is inferred from all the following predicates extracted by the NLP pipeline: 'improve', 'evolve', 'grown', 'enrich', 'expand', 'augment', 'update', 'change', 'raise', 'increase', 'enhance', 'advance', 'gain'." ;
rdfs:domain _:N504b2e937467493bb60c069b182eec80 ;
rdfs:range aikg-ont:Task ;
owl:inverseOf aikg-ont:taskImprovedBy .
aikg-ont:includesMaterial a owl:ObjectProperty,
owl:TransitiveProperty ;
rdfs:comment "This relation indicates that an instance belonging to one class in { Material, Method, OtherEntity } includes an instance of Material. It is inferred from the Feature-of and Part-of relationships extracted by the DyGIE++ classifier and the following predicates extracted by the NLP pipeline: 'include', 'represent', 'contain', 'comprise', 'comprise', 'cover', 'consider', 'incorporate'. " ;
rdfs:domain _:N1c812aac0637431395e3a1e064232b56 ;
rdfs:range aikg-ont:Material ;
owl:inverseOf aikg-ont:materialIncludedBy .
aikg-ont:includesMethod a owl:ObjectProperty,
owl:TransitiveProperty ;
rdfs:comment "This relation indicates that an instance belonging to one class in { Method, Task } includes an instance of Method. It is inferred from the Feature-of and Part-of relationships extracted by the DyGIE++ classifier and the following predicates extracted by the NLP pipeline: 'include', 'represent', 'contain', 'comprise', 'comprise', 'cover', 'consider', 'incorporate'. " ;
rdfs:domain _:N353ed147f6454d9bb33252e908dd68fe ;
rdfs:range aikg-ont:Method ;
owl:inverseOf aikg-ont:methodIncludedBy .
aikg-ont:includesOtherEntity a owl:ObjectProperty,
owl:TransitiveProperty ;
rdfs:comment "This relation indicates that an instance belonging to one class in { Material, Method, OtherEntity } includes an instance of OtherEntity. It is inferred from the Feature-of and Part-of relationships extracted by the DyGIE++ classifier and the following predicates extracted by the NLP pipeline: 'include', 'represent', 'contain', 'comprise', 'comprise', 'cover', 'consider', 'incorporate'. " ;
rdfs:domain _:N1f9f891ce35e4e39a3eebf95e0aac2b8 ;
rdfs:range aikg-ont:OtherEntity ;
owl:inverseOf aikg-ont:OtherEntityIncludedBy .
aikg-ont:includesTask a owl:ObjectProperty,
owl:TransitiveProperty ;
rdfs:comment "This relation indicates that an instance belonging to one class in { Task } includes an instance of Task. It is inferred from the Feature-of and Part-of relationships extracted by the DyGIE++ classifier and the following predicates extracted by the NLP pipeline: 'include', 'represent', 'contain', 'comprise', 'comprise', 'cover', 'consider', 'incorporate'. " ;
rdfs:domain _:N74d7738b54a545e5807de8fc91f5bde5 ;
rdfs:range aikg-ont:Task ;
owl:inverseOf aikg-ont:taskIncludedBy .
aikg-ont:materialEvaluatedBy a owl:ObjectProperty,
owl:TransitiveProperty ;
rdfs:comment "This relation indicates that an instance of class Material was evaluated by an instance belonging to one of the following classes { Metric }. It is inferred from the Evaluate-for relationships extracted by the DyGIE++ classifier and the following predicates extracted by the NLP pipeline: 'evaluate'." ;
rdfs:domain aikg-ont:Material ;
rdfs:range _:N60f5878755944519be40a45bc6c52659 ;
owl:inverseOf aikg-ont:evaluatesMaterial .
aikg-ont:materialIncludedBy a owl:ObjectProperty,
owl:TransitiveProperty ;
rdfs:comment "This relation indicates that an instance of class Material was included by an instance belonging to one of the following classes { Material, Method, OtherEntity }. It is inferred from the Feature-of and Part-of relationships extracted by the DyGIE++ classifier and the following predicates extracted by the NLP pipeline: 'include', 'represent', 'contain', 'comprise', 'comprise', 'cover', 'consider', 'incorporate'. " ;
rdfs:domain aikg-ont:Material ;
rdfs:range _:N1c812aac0637431395e3a1e064232b56 ;
owl:inverseOf aikg-ont:includesMaterial .
aikg-ont:materialPredictedBy a owl:ObjectProperty,
owl:TransitiveProperty ;
rdfs:comment "This relation indicates that an instance of class Material was predicted by an instance belonging to one of the following classes { Method, OtherEntity, Task }. It is inferred from all the following predicates extracted by the NLP pipeline: 'predict', 'forecast', 'derive'. " ;
rdfs:domain aikg-ont:Material ;
rdfs:range _:N583bb6e5948d461c89495f4e067c56bb ;
owl:inverseOf aikg-ont:predictsMaterial .
aikg-ont:materialProvidedBy a owl:ObjectProperty,
owl:TransitiveProperty ;
rdfs:comment "This relation indicates that an instance of class Material was provided by an instance belonging to one of the following classes { Method, OtherEntity, Task }. It is inferred from all the following predicates extracted by the NLP pipeline: 'provide', 'distribute', 'have', 'offer', 'exhibit', 'achieve', 'yield', 'deliver', 'provide', 'give', 'add', 'produce', 'generate', 'build', 'create', 'design', 'design', 'manufacture', 'establish', 'develop', 'implement', 'deploy', 'make', 'construct', 'realize'" ;
rdfs:domain aikg-ont:Material ;
rdfs:range _:N33ba5cd4887448f581694fe8c4a3d561 ;
owl:inverseOf aikg-ont:providesMaterial .
aikg-ont:materialRequiredBy a owl:ObjectProperty,
owl:TransitiveProperty ;
rdfs:comment "This relation indicates that an instance of class Material was required by an instance belonging to one of the following classes { Method, Task }. It is inferred from all the following predicates extracted by the NLP pipeline: 'require', 'need', 'demand'." ;
rdfs:domain aikg-ont:Material ;
rdfs:range _:N69dbdc7e2f064df198f9e0d972fccefa ;
owl:inverseOf aikg-ont:requiresMaterial .
aikg-ont:materialUsedBy a owl:ObjectProperty,
owl:TransitiveProperty ;
rdfs:comment "This relation indicates that an instance of class Material was used by an instance belonging to one of the following classes { Method, Task }. It is inferred from the Used-for relationships extracted by the DyGIE++ classifier and the following predicates extracted by the NLP pipeline: 'use', 'utilise', 'employ', 'utilize', 'exploit', 'integrate', 'adopt', 'leverage', 'apply', 'involve', 'rely'." ;
rdfs:domain aikg-ont:Material ;
rdfs:range _:N69deda1d3c014566b5d87f265b2c9e0d ;
owl:inverseOf aikg-ont:usesMaterial .
aikg-ont:methodEvaluatedBy a owl:ObjectProperty,
owl:TransitiveProperty ;
rdfs:comment "This relation indicates that an instance of class Method was evaluated by an instance belonging to one of the following classes { Metric }. It is inferred from the Evaluate-for relationships extracted by the DyGIE++ classifier and the following predicates extracted by the NLP pipeline: 'evaluate'." ;
rdfs:domain aikg-ont:Method ;
rdfs:range _:N22d13ea7e4204e1f98a307b3d3cafb26 ;
owl:inverseOf aikg-ont:evaluatesMethod .
aikg-ont:methodImprovedBy a owl:ObjectProperty,
owl:TransitiveProperty ;
rdfs:comment "This relation indicates that an instance of class Method was improved by an instance belonging to one of the following classes { Material, Method, OtherEntity, Task }. It is inferred from all the following predicates extracted by the NLP pipeline: 'improve', 'evolve', 'grown', 'enrich', 'expand', 'augment', 'update', 'change', 'raise', 'increase', 'enhance', 'advance', 'gain'." ;
rdfs:domain aikg-ont:Method ;
rdfs:range _:N414420914e3144bf9b32fafa98388d13 ;
owl:inverseOf aikg-ont:improvesMethod .
aikg-ont:methodIncludedBy a owl:ObjectProperty,
owl:TransitiveProperty ;
rdfs:comment "This relation indicates that an instance of class Method was included by an instance belonging to one of the following classes { Method, Task }. It is inferred from the Feature-of and Part-of relationships extracted by the DyGIE++ classifier and the following predicates extracted by the NLP pipeline: 'include', 'represent', 'contain', 'comprise', 'comprise', 'cover', 'consider', 'incorporate'. " ;
rdfs:domain aikg-ont:Method ;
rdfs:range _:N353ed147f6454d9bb33252e908dd68fe ;
owl:inverseOf aikg-ont:includesMethod .
aikg-ont:methodSupportedBy a owl:ObjectProperty,
owl:TransitiveProperty ;
rdfs:comment "This relation indicates that an instance of class Method was supported by an instance belonging to one of the following classes { Method, OtherEntity, Task }. It is inferred from all the following predicates extracted by the NLP pipeline: 'support', 'underlie', 'enable', 'assist', 'promote', 'help', 'empower', 'facilitate', 'aid', 'foster', 'facilitate', 'allow', 'solve'. " ;
rdfs:domain aikg-ont:Method ;
rdfs:range _:N6fd9031ec650424988d8e873dd8c9c0a ;
owl:inverseOf aikg-ont:supportsMethod .
aikg-ont:methodUsedBy a owl:ObjectProperty,
owl:TransitiveProperty ;
rdfs:comment "This relation indicates that an instance of class Method was used by an instance belonging to one of the following classes { Method, OtherEntity, Task }. It is inferred from the Used-for relationships extracted by the DyGIE++ classifier and the following predicates extracted by the NLP pipeline: 'use', 'utilise', 'employ', 'utilize', 'exploit', 'integrate', 'adopt', 'leverage', 'apply', 'involve', 'rely'." ;
rdfs:domain aikg-ont:Method ;
rdfs:range _:Ne244540e4c624ebd98dd8cadb382279f ;
owl:inverseOf aikg-ont:usesMethod .
aikg-ont:metricEvaluatedBy a owl:ObjectProperty,
owl:TransitiveProperty ;
rdfs:comment "This relation indicates that an instance of class Metric was evaluated by an instance belonging to one of the following classes { Metric }. It is inferred from the Evaluate-for relationships extracted by the DyGIE++ classifier and the following predicates extracted by the NLP pipeline: 'evaluate'." ;
rdfs:domain aikg-ont:Metric ;
rdfs:range _:Ncceef75337db44fca5cd866e8102a03c ;
owl:inverseOf aikg-ont:evaluatesMetric .
aikg-ont:metricImprovedBy a owl:ObjectProperty,
owl:TransitiveProperty ;
rdfs:comment "This relation indicates that an instance of class Metric was improved by an instance belonging to one of the following classes { Method, OtherEntity, Task }. It is inferred from all the following predicates extracted by the NLP pipeline: 'improve', 'evolve', 'grown', 'enrich', 'expand', 'augment', 'update', 'change', 'raise', 'increase', 'enhance', 'advance', 'gain'." ;
rdfs:domain aikg-ont:Metric ;
rdfs:range _:N563ff1d949084879af5868a35860f27f ;
owl:inverseOf aikg-ont:improvesMetric .
aikg-ont:metricPredictedBy a owl:ObjectProperty,
owl:TransitiveProperty ;
rdfs:comment "This relation indicates that an instance of class Metric was predicted by an instance belonging to one of the following classes { Method, Metric, OtherEntity, Task }. It is inferred from all the following predicates extracted by the NLP pipeline: 'predict', 'forecast', 'derive'. " ;
rdfs:domain aikg-ont:Metric ;
rdfs:range _:Nad1055ca4bce4217b9eb5aaae0a1e713 ;
owl:inverseOf aikg-ont:predictsMetric .
aikg-ont:metricUsedBy a owl:ObjectProperty,
owl:TransitiveProperty ;
rdfs:comment "This relation indicates that an instance of class Metric was used by an instance belonging to one of the following classes { Method, OtherEntity, Task }. It is inferred from the Used-for relationships extracted by the DyGIE++ classifier and the following predicates extracted by the NLP pipeline: 'use', 'utilise', 'employ', 'utilize', 'exploit', 'integrate', 'adopt', 'leverage', 'apply', 'involve', 'rely'." ;
rdfs:domain aikg-ont:Metric ;
rdfs:range _:Nb6c2f27bbdbb4597bee2d5d90de41132 ;
owl:inverseOf aikg-ont:usesMetric .
aikg-ont:predictsMaterial a owl:ObjectProperty,
owl:TransitiveProperty ;
rdfs:comment "This relation indicates that an instance belonging to one class in { Method, OtherEntity, Task } predicts an instance of Material. It is inferred from all the following predicates extracted by the NLP pipeline: 'predict', 'forecast', 'derive'. " ;
rdfs:domain _:N583bb6e5948d461c89495f4e067c56bb ;
rdfs:range aikg-ont:Material ;
owl:inverseOf aikg-ont:materialPredictedBy .
aikg-ont:predictsMetric a owl:ObjectProperty,
owl:TransitiveProperty ;
rdfs:comment "This relation indicates that an instance belonging to one class in { Method, Metric, OtherEntity, Task } predicts an instance of Metric. It is inferred from all the following predicates extracted by the NLP pipeline: 'predict', 'forecast', 'derive'. " ;
rdfs:domain _:Nad1055ca4bce4217b9eb5aaae0a1e713 ;
rdfs:range aikg-ont:Metric ;
owl:inverseOf aikg-ont:metricPredictedBy .
aikg-ont:predictsOtherEntity a owl:ObjectProperty,
owl:TransitiveProperty ;
rdfs:comment "This relation indicates that an instance belonging to one class in { Method, Metric, OtherEntity, Task } predicts an instance of OtherEntity. It is inferred from all the following predicates extracted by the NLP pipeline: 'predict', 'forecast', 'derive'. " ;
rdfs:domain _:N6368cae504eb43a69ddeed4266249678 ;
rdfs:range aikg-ont:OtherEntity ;
owl:inverseOf aikg-ont:OtherEntityPredictedBy .
aikg-ont:providesMaterial a owl:ObjectProperty,
owl:TransitiveProperty ;
rdfs:comment "This relation indicates that an instance belonging to one class in { Method, OtherEntity, Task } provides an instance of Material. It is inferred from all the following predicates extracted by the NLP pipeline: 'provide', 'distribute', 'have', 'offer', 'exhibit', 'achieve', 'yield', 'deliver', 'provide', 'give', 'add', 'produce', 'generate', 'build', 'create', 'design', 'design', 'manufacture', 'establish', 'develop', 'implement', 'deploy', 'make', 'construct', 'realize'" ;
rdfs:domain _:N33ba5cd4887448f581694fe8c4a3d561 ;
rdfs:range aikg-ont:Material ;
owl:inverseOf aikg-ont:materialProvidedBy .
aikg-ont:requiresMaterial a owl:ObjectProperty,
owl:TransitiveProperty ;
rdfs:comment "This relation indicates that an instance belonging to one class in { Method, Task } requires an instance of Material. It is inferred from all the following predicates extracted by the NLP pipeline: 'require', 'need', 'demand'." ;
rdfs:domain _:N69dbdc7e2f064df198f9e0d972fccefa ;
rdfs:range aikg-ont:Material ;
owl:inverseOf aikg-ont:materialRequiredBy .
aikg-ont:requiresTask a owl:ObjectProperty,
owl:TransitiveProperty ;
rdfs:comment "This relation indicates that an instance belonging to one class in { Method, Task } requires an instance of Task. It is inferred from all the following predicates extracted by the NLP pipeline: 'require', 'need', 'demand'." ;
rdfs:domain _:Nccb299d54d504b009360594abd93918d ;
rdfs:range aikg-ont:Task ;
owl:inverseOf aikg-ont:taskRequiredBy .
aikg-ont:supportsMethod a owl:ObjectProperty,
owl:TransitiveProperty ;
rdfs:comment "This relation indicates that an instance belonging to one class in { Method, OtherEntity, Task } supports an instance of Method. It is inferred from all the following predicates extracted by the NLP pipeline: 'support', 'underlie', 'enable', 'assist', 'promote', 'help', 'empower', 'facilitate', 'aid', 'foster', 'facilitate', 'allow', 'solve'. " ;
rdfs:domain _:N6fd9031ec650424988d8e873dd8c9c0a ;
rdfs:range aikg-ont:Method ;
owl:inverseOf aikg-ont:methodSupportedBy .
aikg-ont:supportsOtherEntity a owl:ObjectProperty,
owl:TransitiveProperty ;
rdfs:comment "This relation indicates that an instance belonging to one class in { Material, Method, Task } supports an instance of OtherEntity. It is inferred from all the following predicates extracted by the NLP pipeline: 'support', 'underlie', 'enable', 'assist', 'promote', 'help', 'empower', 'facilitate', 'aid', 'foster', 'facilitate', 'allow', 'solve'. " ;
rdfs:domain _:N7726d2ca774844d3bd98f3fb67ef2901 ;
rdfs:range aikg-ont:OtherEntity ;
owl:inverseOf aikg-ont:OtherEntitySupportedBy .
aikg-ont:supportsTask a owl:ObjectProperty,
owl:TransitiveProperty ;
rdfs:comment "This relation indicates that an instance belonging to one class in { Material, Method, Metric, OtherEntity, Task } supports an instance of Task. It is inferred from all the following predicates extracted by the NLP pipeline: 'support', 'underlie', 'enable', 'assist', 'promote', 'help', 'empower', 'facilitate', 'aid', 'foster', 'facilitate', 'allow', 'solve'. " ;
rdfs:domain _:Ncbaeae8daf7b4eeb90dc80806dfbf55f ;
rdfs:range aikg-ont:Task ;
owl:inverseOf aikg-ont:taskSupportedBy .
aikg-ont:taskEvaluatedBy a owl:ObjectProperty,
owl:TransitiveProperty ;
rdfs:comment "This relation indicates that an instance of class Task was evaluated by an instance belonging to one of the following classes { Metric }. It is inferred from the Evaluate-for relationships extracted by the DyGIE++ classifier and the following predicates extracted by the NLP pipeline: 'evaluate'." ;
rdfs:domain aikg-ont:Task ;
rdfs:range _:N37c331ea1cfb4f9cb3acce3ba2fa9352 ;
owl:inverseOf aikg-ont:evaluatesTask .
aikg-ont:taskImprovedBy a owl:ObjectProperty,
owl:TransitiveProperty ;
rdfs:comment "This relation indicates that an instance of class Task was improved by an instance belonging to one of the following classes { Method, OtherEntity, Task }. It is inferred from all the following predicates extracted by the NLP pipeline: 'improve', 'evolve', 'grown', 'enrich', 'expand', 'augment', 'update', 'change', 'raise', 'increase', 'enhance', 'advance', 'gain'." ;
rdfs:domain aikg-ont:Task ;
rdfs:range _:N504b2e937467493bb60c069b182eec80 ;
owl:inverseOf aikg-ont:improvesTask .
aikg-ont:taskIncludedBy a owl:ObjectProperty,
owl:TransitiveProperty ;
rdfs:comment "This relation indicates that an instance of class Task was included by an instance belonging to one of the following classes { Task }. It is inferred from the Feature-of and Part-of relationships extracted by the DyGIE++ classifier and the following predicates extracted by the NLP pipeline: 'include', 'represent', 'contain', 'comprise', 'comprise', 'cover', 'consider', 'incorporate'. " ;
rdfs:domain aikg-ont:Task ;
rdfs:range _:N74d7738b54a545e5807de8fc91f5bde5 ;
owl:inverseOf aikg-ont:includesTask .
aikg-ont:taskRequiredBy a owl:ObjectProperty,
owl:TransitiveProperty ;
rdfs:comment "This relation indicates that an instance of class Task was required by an instance belonging to one of the following classes { Method, Task }. It is inferred from all the following predicates extracted by the NLP pipeline: 'require', 'need', 'demand'." ;
rdfs:domain aikg-ont:Task ;
rdfs:range _:Nccb299d54d504b009360594abd93918d ;
owl:inverseOf aikg-ont:requiresTask .
aikg-ont:taskSupportedBy a owl:ObjectProperty,
owl:TransitiveProperty ;
rdfs:comment "This relation indicates that an instance of class Task was supported by an instance belonging to one of the following classes { Material, Method, Metric, OtherEntity, Task }. It is inferred from all the following predicates extracted by the NLP pipeline: 'support', 'underlie', 'enable', 'assist', 'promote', 'help', 'empower', 'facilitate', 'aid', 'foster', 'facilitate', 'allow', 'solve'. " ;
rdfs:domain aikg-ont:Task ;
rdfs:range _:Ncbaeae8daf7b4eeb90dc80806dfbf55f ;
owl:inverseOf aikg-ont:supportsTask .
aikg-ont:taskUsedBy a owl:ObjectProperty,
owl:TransitiveProperty ;
rdfs:comment "This relation indicates that an instance of class Task was used by an instance belonging to one of the following classes { Task }. It is inferred from the Used-for relationships extracted by the DyGIE++ classifier and the following predicates extracted by the NLP pipeline: 'use', 'utilise', 'employ', 'utilize', 'exploit', 'integrate', 'adopt', 'leverage', 'apply', 'involve', 'rely'." ;
rdfs:domain aikg-ont:Task ;
rdfs:range _:N8e864b5a3fbf458ebd0980a30fdf5253 ;
owl:inverseOf aikg-ont:usesTask .
aikg-ont:usesMaterial a owl:ObjectProperty,
owl:TransitiveProperty ;
rdfs:comment "This relation indicates that an instance belonging to one class in { Method, Task } uses an instance of Material. It is inferred from the Used-for relationships extracted by the DyGIE++ classifier and the following predicates extracted by the NLP pipeline: 'use', 'utilise', 'employ', 'utilize', 'exploit', 'integrate', 'adopt', 'leverage', 'apply', 'involve', 'rely'." ;
rdfs:domain _:N69deda1d3c014566b5d87f265b2c9e0d ;
rdfs:range aikg-ont:Material ;
owl:inverseOf aikg-ont:materialUsedBy .
aikg-ont:usesMethod a owl:ObjectProperty,
owl:TransitiveProperty ;
rdfs:comment "This relation indicates that an instance belonging to one class in { Method, OtherEntity, Task } uses an instance of Method. It is inferred from the Used-for relationships extracted by the DyGIE++ classifier and the following predicates extracted by the NLP pipeline: 'use', 'utilise', 'employ', 'utilize', 'exploit', 'integrate', 'adopt', 'leverage', 'apply', 'involve', 'rely'." ;
rdfs:domain _:Ne244540e4c624ebd98dd8cadb382279f ;
rdfs:range aikg-ont:Method ;
owl:inverseOf aikg-ont:methodUsedBy .
aikg-ont:usesMetric a owl:ObjectProperty,
owl:TransitiveProperty ;
rdfs:comment "This relation indicates that an instance belonging to one class in { Method, OtherEntity, Task } uses an instance of Metric. It is inferred from the Used-for relationships extracted by the DyGIE++ classifier and the following predicates extracted by the NLP pipeline: 'use', 'utilise', 'employ', 'utilize', 'exploit', 'integrate', 'adopt', 'leverage', 'apply', 'involve', 'rely'." ;
rdfs:domain _:Nb6c2f27bbdbb4597bee2d5d90de41132 ;
rdfs:range aikg-ont:Metric ;
owl:inverseOf aikg-ont:metricUsedBy .
aikg-ont:usesOtherEntity a owl:ObjectProperty,
owl:TransitiveProperty ;
rdfs:comment "This relation indicates that an instance belonging to one class in { Method, Metric, OtherEntity, Task } uses an instance of OtherEntity. It is inferred from the Used-for relationships extracted by the DyGIE++ classifier and the following predicates extracted by the NLP pipeline: 'use', 'utilise', 'employ', 'utilize', 'exploit', 'integrate', 'adopt', 'leverage', 'apply', 'involve', 'rely'." ;
rdfs:domain _:Nd1af4677ee264f61b94cb61dddf9cd1d ;
rdfs:range aikg-ont:OtherEntity ;
owl:inverseOf aikg-ont:OtherEntityUsedBy .
aikg-ont:usesTask a owl:ObjectProperty,
owl:TransitiveProperty ;
rdfs:comment "This relation indicates that an instance belonging to one class in { Task } uses an instance of Task. It is inferred from the Used-for relationships extracted by the DyGIE++ classifier and the following predicates extracted by the NLP pipeline: 'use', 'utilise', 'employ', 'utilize', 'exploit', 'integrate', 'adopt', 'leverage', 'apply', 'involve', 'rely'." ;
rdfs:domain _:N8e864b5a3fbf458ebd0980a30fdf5253 ;
rdfs:range aikg-ont:Task ;
owl:inverseOf aikg-ont:taskUsedBy .
aikg-ont:Statement rdfs:subClassOf rdf:Statement .
aikg-ont:ResearchEntity a owl:Class .
aikg-ont:Material a owl:Class ;
rdfs:comment "An object that is processed, used, or returned by methods in order to pursue a task. In computer science it is typically a data set, a knowledge base, or a system. Some examples include ‘vocabulary', 'biometric data', 'Wordnet', and 'social network'." ;
rdfs:subClassOf aikg-ont:ResearchEntity .
aikg-ont:Metric a owl:Class ;
rdfs:comment "A measure of quantitative assessment, commonly used for comparing or assessing the performance of a method. Some examples include ‘word error rate', 'minimum classification error', 'normalized mutual information', and 'fault exposure ratio'." ;
rdfs:subClassOf aikg-ont:ResearchEntity .
aikg-ont:OtherEntity a owl:Class ;
rdfs:comment "A significant entity that we were unable to classify as task, method, metric, or material. It usually refers to real world entities that are used by or affect tasks and methods. Some examples include ‘password’, ‘keyboard’, ‘fingerprint’, and ‘pixel’." ;
rdfs:subClassOf aikg-ont:ResearchEntity .
aikg-ont:Method a owl:Class ;
rdfs:comment "A specific approach, usually adopted to address a task. Some examples include ‘neural networks’, decision trees’, ‘principal component analysis’, ‘support vector machine’, and ‘fuzzy logic’." ;
rdfs:subClassOf aikg-ont:ResearchEntity .
aikg-ont:Task a owl:Class ;
rdfs:comment "A piece of work to carry out, usually to solve a specific challenge. Some examples include ‘knowledge discovery’, ‘dimensionality reduction’, ‘computer vision’, and ‘authentication’." ;
rdfs:subClassOf aikg-ont:ResearchEntity .
_:N0566ddfc9b89419296410399937defc2 rdf:first aikg-ont:Metric ;
rdf:rest ( aikg-ont:OtherEntity aikg-ont:Task ) .
_:N0669121b124444018576303150f27a76 rdf:first aikg-ont:Metric .
_:N0b8ec19b46ca47ad9b65c4903557088b rdf:first aikg-ont:Task ;
rdf:rest () .
_:N12d2db6d1be04ff3b3a094b49876c500 rdf:first aikg-ont:OtherEntity ;
rdf:rest ( aikg-ont:Task ) .
_:N13a18bb887a24414878ee5a5181c748e rdf:first aikg-ont:Metric .
_:N1a11af2b7b154bb18058bc0e763256dd rdf:first aikg-ont:Metric .
_:N255caf85c30b4b6a8afb5e8a15e794cf rdf:first aikg-ont:Method ;
rdf:rest ( aikg-ont:OtherEntity aikg-ont:Task ) .
_:N2f24027de5e34cdb92c47614d097af97 rdf:first aikg-ont:Task ;
rdf:rest () .
_:N2f2cd3845905444fa50d635ba1e7861d rdf:first aikg-ont:Method ;
rdf:rest ( aikg-ont:Metric aikg-ont:OtherEntity aikg-ont:Task ) .
_:N33d84f69c3304f3ba8d1d2df7e415182 rdf:first aikg-ont:Material ;
rdf:rest ( aikg-ont:Method aikg-ont:Task ) .
_:N3c69717efcc544c3ac0023b798e15a65 rdf:first aikg-ont:Method ;
rdf:rest _:N0566ddfc9b89419296410399937defc2 .
_:N4155cddd67a84466a9d4ebee44e481df rdf:first aikg-ont:Method ;
rdf:rest ( aikg-ont:Task ) .
_:N41d1c95d7d01445b9a70a6c1afcf2692 rdf:first aikg-ont:Material ;
rdf:rest ( aikg-ont:Method aikg-ont:OtherEntity aikg-ont:Task ) .
_:N44b6ecd007414e77a8a04fada7cc218c rdf:first aikg-ont:Metric .
_:N49e5bb1f0adb443d9a90a73628f4eb6e rdf:first aikg-ont:Method ;
rdf:rest ( aikg-ont:OtherEntity aikg-ont:Task ) .
_:N4df3bbc3357444e9bde0c0da1f99841a rdf:first aikg-ont:Material ;
rdf:rest ( aikg-ont:Method aikg-ont:OtherEntity ) .
_:N51a9fcc9709e4e4795d22312ee7fa1b6 rdf:first aikg-ont:Task .
_:N5f4212b30b45449a9ad21309d1d97573 rdf:first aikg-ont:Task ;
rdf:rest () .
_:N65f6640b1287468eb064ae014b9bc233 rdf:first aikg-ont:Method ;
rdf:rest ( aikg-ont:OtherEntity aikg-ont:Task ) .
_:N6954ca6e10fa4a6ca38cf1972a33a553 rdf:first aikg-ont:Method ;
rdf:rest ( aikg-ont:Task ) .
_:N6d4f59919fec4c10a6b556f70bf0fc80 rdf:first aikg-ont:Task ;
rdf:rest () .
_:N6da89101b76843d4b4a013d4e11ba2e7 rdf:first aikg-ont:Task ;
rdf:rest () .
_:N6fb03a5142284bf59c01bc60e8db8df9 rdf:first aikg-ont:Method ;
rdf:rest ( aikg-ont:OtherEntity aikg-ont:Task ) .
_:N7318e0b43256487bb8a3a50e364ac3b6 rdf:first aikg-ont:Method ;
rdf:rest ( aikg-ont:Task ) .
_:N7c5bc23076c34b0e94506e009c4fd977 rdf:first aikg-ont:Task ;
rdf:rest () .
_:N975099a0e47c451eb3d01c7a5f2a0302 rdf:first aikg-ont:Method ;
rdf:rest ( aikg-ont:OtherEntity aikg-ont:Task ) .
_:N998021664aa5410ab4788bc11f94abff rdf:first aikg-ont:OtherEntity ;
rdf:rest _:N6d4f59919fec4c10a6b556f70bf0fc80 .
_:N9a7b874f00c84e17a925c420d0acc08d rdf:first aikg-ont:Material ;
rdf:rest ( aikg-ont:Method aikg-ont:OtherEntity ) .
_:N9db80a010d00468eb7beaca4fdac5526 rdf:first aikg-ont:OtherEntity ;
rdf:rest _:N5f4212b30b45449a9ad21309d1d97573 .
_:Naf22e13893694e39b28b605103e9747f rdf:first aikg-ont:OtherEntity ;
rdf:rest _:N7c5bc23076c34b0e94506e009c4fd977 .
_:Nc4e590b70f9f4157938d33cdcf1e8820 rdf:first aikg-ont:Task ;
rdf:rest () .
_:Ncf0d878d929d4f53b4e189fa14cf7998 rdf:first aikg-ont:Method ;
rdf:rest _:Nc4e590b70f9f4157938d33cdcf1e8820 .
_:Nd1eae50e1d414dd69e34125406c257b0 rdf:first aikg-ont:Task .
_:Nda2d8c7082034cc1b892f8b2bceb6287 rdf:first aikg-ont:Method ;
rdf:rest ( aikg-ont:Metric aikg-ont:OtherEntity aikg-ont:Task ) .
_:Ndfb42214d7e242fbab51106e07ee75ba rdf:first aikg-ont:Material ;
rdf:rest _:Nda2d8c7082034cc1b892f8b2bceb6287 .
_:Ne027f8bf1fed4e9a9791b86d7675af8c rdf:first aikg-ont:Method ;
rdf:rest _:Naf22e13893694e39b28b605103e9747f .
_:Ne7f6561ac5c54579b739241238026bea rdf:first aikg-ont:Method ;
rdf:rest ( aikg-ont:Metric aikg-ont:OtherEntity aikg-ont:Task ) .
_:Ne8e31f6a85fd4f9bb079b5282b5ce5b1 rdf:first aikg-ont:Method ;
rdf:rest _:N998021664aa5410ab4788bc11f94abff .
_:Nf809a8f192a1485c85e10d0fb990b560 rdf:first aikg-ont:Metric .
_:N1c812aac0637431395e3a1e064232b56 owl:unionOf _:N4df3bbc3357444e9bde0c0da1f99841a .
_:N1f9f891ce35e4e39a3eebf95e0aac2b8 owl:unionOf _:N9a7b874f00c84e17a925c420d0acc08d .
_:N22d13ea7e4204e1f98a307b3d3cafb26 owl:unionOf _:N0669121b124444018576303150f27a76 .
_:N33ba5cd4887448f581694fe8c4a3d561 owl:unionOf _:N255caf85c30b4b6a8afb5e8a15e794cf .
_:N353ed147f6454d9bb33252e908dd68fe owl:unionOf _:N6954ca6e10fa4a6ca38cf1972a33a553 .
_:N37c331ea1cfb4f9cb3acce3ba2fa9352 owl:unionOf _:N1a11af2b7b154bb18058bc0e763256dd .
_:N414420914e3144bf9b32fafa98388d13 owl:unionOf _:N41d1c95d7d01445b9a70a6c1afcf2692 .
_:N504b2e937467493bb60c069b182eec80 owl:unionOf _:N65f6640b1287468eb064ae014b9bc233 .
_:N563ff1d949084879af5868a35860f27f owl:unionOf _:N49e5bb1f0adb443d9a90a73628f4eb6e .
_:N583bb6e5948d461c89495f4e067c56bb owl:unionOf _:Ne027f8bf1fed4e9a9791b86d7675af8c .
_:N60f5878755944519be40a45bc6c52659 owl:unionOf _:Nf809a8f192a1485c85e10d0fb990b560 .
_:N6368cae504eb43a69ddeed4266249678 owl:unionOf _:Ne7f6561ac5c54579b739241238026bea .
_:N69dbdc7e2f064df198f9e0d972fccefa owl:unionOf _:Ncf0d878d929d4f53b4e189fa14cf7998 .
_:N69deda1d3c014566b5d87f265b2c9e0d owl:unionOf _:N4155cddd67a84466a9d4ebee44e481df .
_:N6fd9031ec650424988d8e873dd8c9c0a owl:unionOf _:N975099a0e47c451eb3d01c7a5f2a0302 .
_:N74d7738b54a545e5807de8fc91f5bde5 owl:unionOf _:Nd1eae50e1d414dd69e34125406c257b0 .
_:N7726d2ca774844d3bd98f3fb67ef2901 owl:unionOf _:N33d84f69c3304f3ba8d1d2df7e415182 .
_:N8c5d4098f1ea439392756c16bcec1081 owl:unionOf _:N44b6ecd007414e77a8a04fada7cc218c .
_:N8e864b5a3fbf458ebd0980a30fdf5253 owl:unionOf _:N51a9fcc9709e4e4795d22312ee7fa1b6 .
_:Nad1055ca4bce4217b9eb5aaae0a1e713 owl:unionOf _:N3c69717efcc544c3ac0023b798e15a65 .
_:Nb6c2f27bbdbb4597bee2d5d90de41132 owl:unionOf _:N6fb03a5142284bf59c01bc60e8db8df9 .
_:Ncbaeae8daf7b4eeb90dc80806dfbf55f owl:unionOf _:Ndfb42214d7e242fbab51106e07ee75ba .
_:Nccb299d54d504b009360594abd93918d owl:unionOf _:N7318e0b43256487bb8a3a50e364ac3b6 .
_:Ncceef75337db44fca5cd866e8102a03c owl:unionOf _:N13a18bb887a24414878ee5a5181c748e .
_:Nd1af4677ee264f61b94cb61dddf9cd1d owl:unionOf _:N2f2cd3845905444fa50d635ba1e7861d .
_:Ne244540e4c624ebd98dd8cadb382279f owl:unionOf _:Ne8e31f6a85fd4f9bb079b5282b5ce5b1 .